André Rieu in Maastricht

Dinner package 2024

In 2024 we will welcome André Rieu in his beloved Maastricht again! For the 18th year in a row, the Vrijthof square will be entirely dedicated to music and romance.

Witness a magical evening full of classical and soft music, compelling waltzes, beautiful melodies from the world of opera and operetta, as well as surprising guest performances.

Would you like to be enchanted by this magical ambiance and enjoy a lovely night out? Combine this spectacular occasion with a culinary evening at restaurant Vrienden van het Vrijthof! Prior to the concert you will enjoy a delicious three-course dinner on our spacious and cozy terrace. Once the concert starts at 9:00 PM, you stay seated with a drink and you will experience the best of the concert from the sideline. Our terrace is located on the west side of the Vrijthof square and offers stage view from many sides.



6:30 PM

Start dinner:

7:00 PM

Start show:

9:00 PM


10:00 PM

The end:

00:00 AM


€ 132,50 per persoon (inclusief € 4,50 servicekosten, exclusief dranken)


Rilette van Limburgs kloostervarken met tomatensalsa en zoetzuur


Limburgse hoender met creme van knolselderij, gegratineerde aardappel, groenten ratatouille en truffeljus


Mangotaartje met bosvruchten en huisgemaakte crumble

(het menu is aan wijzigingen onderhevig)

Voor kinderen gelden de reguliere ticketprijzen, er zijn geen speciale kindermenu's voorzien. Het terrasarrangement is niet geschikt voor jonge kinderen of baby's. Het gehele menu kan gegeten worden door zwangeren.

Step 1 When would you like to book?


Step 1 Select date and number of tickets

Date Quantity Total
In case applicable
Discount 0
Of which VAT 0
Total 0

Step 2 Your data

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